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render options

Rails接受以下四種render options:

  • :content_type


render file: filename, content_type: "application/rss"

註記:content_type類型可Google MIME搜尋


By default, Rails will serve the results of a rendering operation with the MIME content-type of text/html (or application/json if you use the :json option, or application/xml for the :xml option.). There are times when you might like to change this, and you can do so by setting the :content_type option

  • :layout

文章上方已解釋過,可參考render :layout的部分

  • :location

location header是HTTP通訊協定回應時幫client重新定位的方法,當client丟一個request到server,我們可以丟回location這個header將client導到別的地方,舉例:

render xml: photo, location: photo_url(photo)

這段code的意思是告訴client端說photo的xml檔要從photo_url(photo)這邊拿,所以假設我們有個ajax script要來拿這個檔案,它就會跑到photo_url(photo)拿。

  • :status

指定server要丟什麼樣的http request status給client

# 以下兩種寫法都可以
render status: 500
render status: :forbidden

可以參考rails guide內的status列表